
CCA 2024-25 School year calendar

CCA Parents/Guardians:


Cardinal Community Academy's 2024-25 Year long Calendar was approved by the board of directors at the meeting on February 28, 2024.  CCA makes every attempt to align the school calendar as closely as possible with the district calendar.  Due to our 4 day week, it is not possible to match it exactly.  With the  district calendar changes, this year’s calendar has some significant changes in comparison to prior years. The district has elected to add two new weeks off into the school year: one in September and one in February. Educational hours required by the state of Colorado will continue to be met by the district by returning to a full five-day school week. In order for CCA to stay as close as possible to the new district calendar and add those new breaks to our schedule (by NOT utilizing Mondays as school days which in our charter we are only a 4 day a week school), CCA will extend our school day hours. 



School Hours: 7:20 a.m - 3:35 p.m.

Parent-Teacher Conferences (Evenings): Oct. and Feb. 

BREAKS (No School): Sept. 24-27 and Feb. 25-28

Christmas Break Dec. 21-Jan. 6 (CCA School in Session Dec. 20 - not for district)

Good Friday (No School): April 18 (district schools in session)


Please click HERE or see our WEBSITE for the 2024-25 school year calendar.

Calendar Colors
All School  Meetings  Field Trips  Semesters  Grade Level Specific  Parent/Teacher Conferences

Home  Calendar  Last day of 1st semester (1)
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