Enrollment Information

Admissions and Enrollment (Policy)
Adopted:  March 2002
Revised:  September 2018

Any child who will reach the age of five (5), on or before October 1st (policy change in progress), shall be eligible to attend kindergarten provided that proof of age is furnished at registration.  Proof of age can be a valid birth certificate, an appropriate court order or such other information as the administration deems sufficient.  

Students who transfer from another educational institution or from a home school setting may be tested by CCA to determine appropriate grade placement.

Enrollment for each grade will be cut off when maximum classroom size is achieved, subject to the Board's discretion, not to exceed 22 students [CCA Charter - Section (b) Goals, Objectives, and Pupil Performance Standards; I. Goals; E. Class Size].  CCA class size will be capped at 20 students.  The waiting list will be activated when a class size falls below 20 students.

Kindergarten enrollment will be on a first come first serve basis for the first 75% of class enrollment.  Students who are on the list after the first 75% will be placed in a lottery that will be held at the regular March CCA Board Meeting.  Students with siblings enrolled at CCA will be drawn first, followed by students without siblings.  The lottery will establish a fixed rank order for all students on the waiting list.  The waiting list will be available for viewing in the office after the lottery is held.  If students enroll after the lottery list is determined, they will be added to the bottom of the waiting list in the order in which they enroll.  Students from all other grade levels are accepted on a first come first serve basis. 

Any student offered a placement in a CCA class must accept that placement or forfeit their position.  If they decline to accept the placement, they may be able to be placed at the bottom of the waiting list, or if there is no response from the parent, they will be removed from the list.

Non resident students may be denied admission as allowed by law.

To be added to a waiting list at CCA, please click on the clink below and complete the one page form.  An email response will be sent letting you know that your form has been received.
