After School Care Program
The After School Care Program is available to all CCA families Tuesday through Friday until 6:00 pm. You may register in advance using the link below. There is a one time registration fee of $25 dollars for one child or $30 for multiple children. The daily fee is $8 for the first child, $5 for the 2nd and $4 for the 3rd. The registration fee helps us to provide games and crafts as well as snacks for those who do not bring one. The children will have free play time, homework help, structured games or craft time and a snack while being supervised by two CCA staff members. For more information check out the links below or call the CCA office!
Please use the link below to make a payment.
Please use the link below to read more about the Cardinal After School Program.
2024-2025 CASP Handbook
Please fill out both of the links below to register your child/children for the Cardinal After School Program.
CASP Registration Form
CASP Movie Permission Slip